Sisters Use Little Stitches to Make a Big Difference


By: Karli Barnett

Sisters are helping our American troops overseas… without ever leaving their own living room.

It might be close to Halloween, but the wool mask is no Halloween costume.

This is just one of the pieces sisters Charlotte Baker and Virginia Jones knit for soldiers.

They started Knitting for Soldiers eight years ago, after getting the idea from a friend who did a similar sewing project.

Baker says that’s how they started the “neck coolers.”

“You mean helmet liners!” her sister quickly corrects her.

Interactions like this are common between the two, especially since they spend a lot of time together.

It takes ten hours to complete just one helmet liner and, between the two of them, they have made over 1,500.

“It’s time well spent,” Baker remarks.

“At least we are accomplishing something,” adds Jones.

They might get a little help from Snowflake, their poodle that sat contently between the two.

They manage to find the time by carrying their knitting wherever they go.

“Wherever you might have an appointment,” says Jones.  “I take it, not to church, but to the Wednesday night Bible studies I always have it with me.”

There might only be one soldier in the family… but that’s enough.

“They put their life on the line for us,” says Jones. “This is the least we could do.”

Although Jones and Baker love support for their cause, more than anything, they just want the soldiers home.

“We hope that the boys will soon be home and won’t need them,” concludes Jones. That’s our wish.”

If you want to send a donation for yarn, or even knit yourself, you can email Charlotte Baker at


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