UGA Becomes Tobacco-Less Campus

Story Highlights

  • University of Georgia has partial tobacco ban in place
  • Board of Regents voting on campus-wide tobacco ban this month

ATHENS, GA – The University of Georgia is one of the only campuses in the state that does not have a total tobacco ban in place on its campus.

Georgia’s campus may getting a lot less smoky. Scenes like “smoker’s alley” at the Student Learning center may change if the board of regents passes the tobacco ban that was put on the table this week. UGA already has a partial ban, on smoking up to 35 feet from any door but it hasn’t been doing the trick.

In addition to affecting university staff and students, the ban would also affect spectators who come to campus for  sporting events The university’s Chief of Police Jimmy Williamson says that if the board passes the rule, he will enforce it no matter who is breaking it.

The Board’s Associate Vice Chancellor for Media and Publication, John Millsap, says that the motive behind the rule is an emphasis on the health and wellness of the staff and students of the university.


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