The Entrepreneurship Certificate Program finally has a permanent home three years after the University of Georgia launched the program.

When the program started in 2015, there were only 33 students enrolled. Now, Studio 225 houses more than 500 students who currently participate in the program. They will use the space to flesh out their business ideas, meet with potential investors and hear from speakers.

Director of Entrepreneurship Bob Pinckney said they decided to make it a certificate program instead of a major or minor. That way, the program allows students from all majors and colleges to take the classes.

It’s a great way for students who may not have the opportunity to be exposed to business and what it takes to start a business if they are in a different college that doesn’t really have a business focus,” Pinckney said.

What’s Next?

The 11,000-square-foot building on the corner of West Broad and South Hull streets won’t hold any classes. Instead, it acts as a co-working space where entrepreneurs come together to work with other students, mentors and faculty members.

Pinckney said now that they have the new space, their focus will shift. They want to put more of an emphasis on the content of the program to give entrepreneurs more support.

Michael Coles, founder of Great American Cookie Company, will kick off the speaker series in the new space this Tuesday, followed by a pitch competition on Wednesday.

Sarah Hammond is a senior majoring in journalism at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia.



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