New UGA Organization Works to Overcome Youth Obesity

With hotter and hotter temperatures and summer right around the corner, the urge to hit the gym to get the perfect ‘summer bod’ is a mission for a lot of young people. For some people, dropping those pounds is easier said then done. Weight is an ongoing fight for many of us, but its something that children these days especially struggle with.  This is why there’s a new organization at the University of Georgia called, The Fight Against Youth Obesity (FAYO).

The Center for Disease Control says that almost 13 million teens are obese. FAYO is trying to provide access to a healthier lifestyle for low-income children in Athens to help reduce those numbers. The organization offers an array of opportunities for UGA students to get involved with the health and well being of Athens youth and community through service projects, hands on activities and other events that allow for direct interaction with children and families.

Claire Alvey, a health promotions student, wishes a program like FAYO existed during her weight loss journey. “An organization like FAYO would be important to me because when I was younger I used to be a lot heavier and it took a big toll on my self-esteem and an organization like FAYO would have taught me how to be healthier and help me lose weight.”

FAYO is hosting an event on April 2nd in Ramsey to continue its pursuit in fighting youth obesity


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