UGA Students to Hold Demonstration Against ‘Campus Carry’ Bill

ATHENS —  University of Georgia students will hold a public demonstration against Georgia House Bill 859, often known as the Campus Carry bill.640x360_60204C00-SKDGS

“We will be taking pictures and tabling at Tate Plaza from 12 to 4 p.m.,” said UGA student Paul Oshinski.

House Bill 859 would allow anyone with a weapons license who is 21 years or older to carry guns on college grounds, with the exception of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses and athletic events. The bill also mandates that guns must be concealed and only those who hold a permit would be allowed to carry.


Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has until May 3 to decide whether to approve House Bill 859. If he ignores the legislation, it will automatically become law.

By Michelle Baruchman


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