Grace Maultsby is a volunteer for UGA Votes. She says, “So we’re just trying to like make sure that not only every student registers but that like every student votes. And votes in a way that it’s like very convienent for them because you know it’s your civic duty and so little of the 18 to 24 age bracket which makes up pretty much all of the students at UGA like don’t vote or like not involved.”
But one student who does want to be involved is UGA senior, Madison Parker. She is registered to vote in Jackson county but she wants to vote without going home. So she needs to fill out an absentee ballot. To do this, log on to the Georgia voting website... Fill out your information on the website and request your ballot. Then when you get it, print it out and finish filling out the information. After that you simply mail it to your county precinct.
That may sound like a lot of work but Parker thinks it’s worth it.
“The process could definitley be made easier but I think it’s worth it to be able to vote in Athens because I’m about to graduate so I’m going to be greatly effected by who the next president is. So it’s defintley important to to make sure that I vote.”
For more information on all the deadlines for voter registration visit: ugavotes.com
By: McKenzie Lewis