Watkinsville Voters Overwhelmingly Approve to Have ‘Liquor-By-the Drink’

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Watkinsville- Ironically close to St. Patrick’s Day, people in Watkinsville can now enjoy a drink in any restaurant that sells alcohol. Those in favor of the referendum more than quadrupled the amount of people who were against it.

Though the numbers seem high, voter turnout was actually extremely low. Out of the 1759 eligible voters in the city…only 15% of them chose to take action.

20150318_105059Mayor Charles Ivie of Watkinsville says that passing liquor by the drink in Watkinsville evens the playing field for restaurants in the city to compete with those in Oconee County.



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  • Dan Matthews

    Thank you very much to reporter Adeline Kennerly for her continuing coverage of this issue. She was extremely professional and thorough in her reportage.

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