By Abby Jessen

And the winner is… Roger Wehunt. Wehunt clinched Barrow County’s District 3 Commissioner seat in the Oct. 13 runoff with a 90-80 win over Scott Vickery. Only 3.5 percent of registered voters turned out to the special election.

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Grady Newsource reporter Sam Lack spoke with Wehunt prior to the election on why he wanted to run for this position.

Both Wehunt and Vickery secured more than 30 percent of the vote in the regular election on Sept. 15, which led to the special election. Wehunt has experience as the District 3 commissioner and believes this experience will help him moving forward.

“I’ve got a good working relationship with them. I think we can sit down and solve our problems,” says Commissioner Wehunt. 

Wehunt’s term will run through Dec. 31, 2016.



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