5 Tips For When The Lights Go Out

Snow days are fun, but if your power goes out it’s a different story. Buddy up with your flashlight and check out a few tips to maximize your energy and limit its usage.

1. If you survived the grocery store rush and stocked up on food, prevent it from spoiling faster by limiting the number of times you open your refrigerator doors. Try not to let the cool air out! Georgia Power says that food will stay fresh up to 36 to 48 hours. Check your refrigerator to make sure the temperature does not rise above 40°F and the freezer does not go over 0°F.


2. Speaking of the freezer, candles will burn longer if they are stored in one before use. Or on cold days like today, keep them by the window and always keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t tip over or catch something on fire.

3. Roll up any spare blankets and tuck them in the ledge of your windows. This will help conserve the heat in your house and block cold air from seeping in.

4. When it comes to water, Walton EMC Power recommends filling up sinks and bathtubs before a power outage hits. Depending on what your city’s water source is, your tank may not be able to refill itself without electricity. Also, water that does come out during an outage may not be 100% purified, so do not drink, bathe, or wash with it!


5. Stay safe when you’re outside too. Georgia Power warns to never approach power lines, especially ones that may have fallen. Any object that touches a power line will be energized, so keep a safe distance.

power lines

As of 11:00 A.M. EST, Georgia Power reports  97,000 power outages statewide. Walton EMC Power says that power crews from Missouri are coming into Georgia to help, they are reporting 3,600 outages in northeast Georgia. If the power goes out in your area, call Georgia Power at 1-888-891-0938.


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