The Lead: Will Carr on preparing for pressure

One of my greatest weaknesses is decision-making. When it’s crunch time, I want to make lists and analyze every outcome. I want time.

But some situations don’t offer time. Will Carr, an ABC News Correspondent based in Los Angeles, knows this. When you’re covering a wildfire in California, drug cartels in Mexico or a volcanic eruption in Hawaii, you have to be prepared to decide.

“No matter what scenario you find yourself in, the worst thing that you can do is not make a decision,” Carr said.

This week, Will joins us to share how he prepares for high-pressure situations. He also shares stories from his time at the University of Georgia and talks about the “aha moment” that helped him decide on broadcast journalism.

Check it out:

Caroline Odom is a junior majoring in journalism at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She is also majoring in risk management and insurance with a certificate in personal and organizational leadership at UGA’s Terry College of Business.


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