“You Can’t Sit Here”

Athens, Ga | Nov. 17 

Story Highlights 

  • A new traffic ordinance may prohibit delivery trucks from sitting in the middle of Clayton Street.
  • The Clarke County Commission will hear a proposed ordinance change from the Athens Downtown Development Authority (ADDA) on Thursday.
  • If passed, the ordinance it could also take 16 parking spaces away from downtown.
  • Reporter Andrew James is talking to business owners about how this new ordinance could impact their busine

Not… if you’re a delivery truck… and Not… if it’s in the middle of the road…

Unloading deliveries in the middle of Clayton Street

Tomorrow night the Clarke County Commission will hear a proposed ordinance from the Athens Downtown Development Authority (ADDA) on where it is okay for delivery trucks to unload their trucks. Currently the trucks are allowed to sit in the middle lane of the street to do their deliveries. This takes up space and creates a barrier for those driving down the already busy street.

The ADDA is proposing adding a delivery zone to downtown Athens. However, this zone will claim 16 parking spots. Additionally, the proposed law would only allow delivery trucks to unload in the middle lane, and not in the zone, from 3AM to noon. But no later.

Downtown businesses are split on whether they give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the proposal.

Thumbs Down

Delivery man Aaron Lund is giving the proposal a thumbs down. Lund runs a delivery route that serves more than 75% of downtown businesses. He says “It’s gonna make it so crowded down here from 8 to 1…there will be no parking for anybody.”

Thumbs Up

But restaurant manager James Hart feels differently. Hart is the manager at Mellow Mushroom. He says that limiting the time trucks could deliver is not a bad idea.

The final say on the issue will come Thursday night during the Clarke County Commission meeting.



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