15th Annual Peace Place Ball to Raise Awareness for Domestic Violence

Winder, GA — Georgia is ranked 6th highest state in the U.S. for reported incidents of teen dating violence and the 9th highest state for women killed at the hands of their male abuser, according to statistics from the Georgia Coalition of Domestic Violence. Domestic and teen dating violence is a growing problem across the US and Peace Place, Inc. in Winder, Georgia is trying to raise awareness to end the violence. The 14th Annual Peace Place Ball occurred over the weekend and was a night of stars and survivors. Peace Place runs a domestic violence shelter where women and children can go to feel safe and find peace. http://youtu.be/IPbVmyJDOhc

Peace Place offers emergency shelter for up to 15 women and children at one time. Peace Place opened in 2000 and since they have opened their doors they have helped more than 1800 women and children. They offer a children’s program to help children with frequent exposure to domestic violence understand that the violence should not be normalized.


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