Viewing Parties Being Held in Athens for Election 2016

Election day is here. Now you just need a place to watch the election. Whether you’re for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, there’s a place for you to watch both of the presidential candidates tonight at a local viewing party. The University Union is sponsoring a viewing party at the University of Georgia’s Tate Grand Hall. Socially Conscious Director of the University Union, Ayesha Jamil said, “The election is a very trending topic that’s happening this year so we decided to create a political series for that and we had a bunch of different viewing parties. We had a voter registration drive and it is just to get the UGA student body engaged.”

Another place for viewers to watch the election is at the Georgia Theater. Attendees must be eighteen years or older. General Manager of the Georgia Theater, Drew Beskiu said, “People will be able to come upstairs. We have two TVs on our rooftop and we have a big TV on our big screen. Basically if they want to come upstairs and be outside where it’s going to be a little cooler they can come watch up here and have some food or they can be downstairs and watch down there. Basically, if you’re here tonight, you’re going to be watching the election results for sure.”

The Clarke County Democratic Committee will host a viewing party event at The Southern Brewing Company. The Clarke County Republican Party will host a viewing party at Locos Bar and Grill on Barnett Schoals Road. This event will start at 7pm and end at 11pm.


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