Operation Christmas Child Underway

Just a simple shoe box filled with a few toys is changing kid’s lives, with strange as it may seem, a shoe box.

Soap, washcloths, and toothbrushes.  Not your average Christmas gift for a kid, but these aren’t your average kids.

As part of Operation Christmas Child, the shoeboxes are delivered to children all around the world, children dealing with very adult situations.  Things like wars, poverty, and natural disasters. It doesn’t take much to change a life in those situations.

Kaitlin Slunp, who donated a shoebox says”It’s good to know that some kids can have something to open on Christmas and maybe put some happiness in their life.”

Volunteers are packing these boxes right now at East Athens Baptist Church, part of a much bigger project around the world.

Robby Duvall, a volunteer for Operation Christmas Child says, “last year they collected a little over 11 million; their goal is 12 million this year.”

It’s been going on 23 years now, with more than 135 million boxes given to children around the world.  A small package that makes a big impact on a child’s life.

You can find a location near to you, by clicking here.

By:  John Holcomb @mcreeholcomb

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