Athens Ford to Donate a Bike for Every Car Sold Through Dec. 15

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 2.12.34 PMBy Blis Savidge

Athens Ford will provide a bike to an underprivileged child in Athens for every car they sell between now and December 15th.

Marianna Guthrie is the Marketing Director at Athens Ford. She says Athens Ford loves their city and wanted to do something that benefited their local community.

“We thought every child wants a bike for Christmas, so what better way to help the community than to help give underprivileged children… a bike.”

Keeping with their local theme, Guthrie contacted Brian Molloy, the owner of the Athen’s bike shop, The Hub. Molloy who has been passionate about bikes since his childhood, was excited by the idea and eager to help.

“It’s just a good thing to do. It feels good to give kids bikes.”

Molloy will provide youth bikes for children ages three through nine to Athen’s Ford at cost. For every car that is sold at Athen’s Ford between now and December 15th, a bike will be donated to a local child in need through the Athen’s Salvation Army.

Bike Athens has also offered to provide helmets for every bike donated.

“It’s really just this great community effort,” said Guthrie.

Athens Ford encourages everyone to come out and buy a new car, but if you’re not in the market for a car, you can still help. Bikes can be bought from The Hub to donate through the Wishes for Wheels program.

For more information about Wishes for Wheels or to see how you can help, email or call 706-765-6761.


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