Autumn Harvest Feast

ATHENS, Ga- The Athens Farmers Market is holding their fall fundraiser Autumn Harvest Feast this Sunday. The fundraiser is a family-style dinner prepared by more than twenty of Athens’ best chefs from restaurants around town. The money raised will support Wholesome Wave Georgia, a non profit that allows the farmer’s market to double the value of every dollar spent with a food stamp. The Market Manager at Athens Farmers Market says the market is working to make food more accessible for people all over Georgia, despite their income. He says “healthy food is a right” and the market is working to make sure everyone can enjoy it. Jazon Zygmont, head chef at Five and Ten says buying local is about supporting farmers and sustaining local food systems. The tickets to Autumn Harvest Feast are $75 dollars and can be purchased on Athens’ Farmer’s Market website. Reporter Ally Laukhuf has more on this harvest feast.

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