Right to Life March in Atlanta

Atlanta, GA – If you take a look at the Barrow County Right to Life website, the chapter is said to be protesting in the Atlanta march.

State Senator Frank Ginn says he is supporting the march because he believes life is precious and begins at conception.


These marchers are representing lives lost from abortion in different states.

The Executive Director of Georgia Right to Life Genevieve Wilson said they want to commemorate and mourn the lives of aborted children.

We asked some Pro Choice organizations if they had a response to the Right to Life March. Amber Flanigan of the Athens chapter of Choice USA says, “Abortion is a very serious issue and it’s not black and white and everyone should have access to the healthcare that they need.

We called the Atlanta Pro Choice Action Committee, Planned Parenthood Office in Atlanta., and the NARAL Pro Choice D.C. Office. We asked them if they are going to have a response to the Pro Life March in Atlanta, but they are unable to give a response at this time. We are waiting for a call back.


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