This journalism has been created by students in the Multiplatform Newsroom: Newsource and Multiplatform Newsroom: Project capstone courses at the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication.
Snow day, round two. Students and parents are staying home and businesses have closed their ...
Athens, Ga- This wintry mix has brought icy roads and threatens many households with ...
Athens, GA- Megan Malasarte has your top weather stories and what to expect for ...
Most drivers across Athens-Clarke, Barrow and Jackson counties are staying off the icey roads. ...
Athens, Ga- When asked about her response to this weather, Mayor Nancy Denson says ...
ATHENS, GA- Staying safe should be your number one priority in this ice storm. ...
Snow days are fun, but if your power goes out it’s a different story. ...
The wintry mix has not yet stopped Kroger and Wal-mart from staying open, but ...
A severe winter storm could pound Athens with ice tomorrow, and that could have ...
ATHENS, GA - ACC PD warns against drinking and driving...and drinking and walking.
The worst of the Winter Storm Pax will hit Athens tomorrow, and the Winter ...
ATHENS, GA - Major Hunsinger of ACC Police on severe weather ahead.