Ramen Noodle Showdown

ATHENS, GA- They’re cheap, easy to make, and found in kitchens everywhere. Ramen Noodles. This Saturday, 6 chefs from around Athens will compete at the Noodle Bowl competition at Cine. The competition will benefit United Way and see which chef can whip up the best twist on the old noodles.

The chefs preparing to throw down are Jarad Blanton from World Famous,  Chuck Ramsey from Pulaski Heights BBQ, Patrick Stubbers from The National, Richard Miley from Catch 22, Jason Zygmont  from 5&10, and BJ Bracewell  from The Branded Butcher.

Chuck Ramsey shares some of his history with ramen noodles. He says, “I got home really late one night after a long night of work and I had some ramen and I was looking around the fridge for things to put in it and I found some ranch dressing poured some of that in there and it was delicious.”

These chefs are using some unique ingredients in their dishes including things like pulled pork, boiled eggs and seaweed. Jason Zygmont has been switching up his ramen noodle style since he was young. He says, “I remember being a kid and I’d get home from school and I wouldn’t want to cook it, so I would eat the noodles like a cracker and just chomp away on them.”

Zygmont plans to stick to a traditional Japanese recipe and use ingredients like soy sauce and dried tuna for his dish in the competition. He says, “I’m not trying to go too far outside the box. I think my favorite types of ramen are the really traditional ones, and if it’s not broke don’t fix it.”

General admission tickets to the event are being sold through Cine and those who attend will be able to vote on their favorite dish.


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