Helmets4Humanity Initiative

ATHENS, GA – Braedon Fields and Zack Timms saw the need, and now they’re trying to fill it.

The need is protection for the students from the Venezuelan National Guard, who for the last ten days, have been bludgeoning the anti-government protesters.

To fill this need, Homage2Humanity is going to send physical helmet into the South American country. The campaign is called Helmets4Humanity.

They’re getting funding from their close friends and family for now, but they hope to reach out to their more than 30 thousand twitter followers when they launch the campaign this Saturday.

Homage2Humanity is Fields’ and Timms’ activist-minded, thought-provoking network of people. The duo plans to expand to become a “fast-relief NGO,” says Timms.

Check out the twitter account Homage2Humanity here.

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