ATHENS — The Clarke County School District is applying to become a charter school system.

The CCSD has until June 30 to decide if it would be a charter school system, a status quo option or an IE^2 system (Investing in Educational Excellence School System.) Information about the changes for all three systems can be found on these links.

Grady Newsource reporter Charlette Hall found out how this system could be different to the system CCSD is under now.

UPDATE: 5:08 p.m.

At the meeting tonight a presentation will be presented that will display the four main points this new system will accomplish. Those are implementing innovative practices, utilizing flexibility waivers when needed, committing to academic and other targets, and defining input and decision-making authority to Local School Governance Teams. Some of those innovative practices will include expanding outreach services, providing opportunities for adult education, creating school-based health clinics, and increasing the availibility of locally grown produce at school, which could be used fro student lunches.


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