February UGA Cabinet Meeting on 2/20

Athens, GA– UGA’s President Adams and the university Cabinet were ready to talk some serious business this morning as they held their monthly meeting in North Campus.

This morning the meeting covered a bunch of topics ranging from University successes and accollades around town, to more businesslike matters like upcoming searches for new faculty. But at the top of the meeting was budget cuts.

Questions about the budget filled the boardroom after President Adams and others reported on the school’s finances. Adams talked emotionally about the importance of his faculty and how these cuts have affected them.

“The thing I regret most about these budget cuts is what we’ve not been able to do for faculty… the last four years,” said President Adams.

The president attributed the cuts to the lack of working capitol for the university. The budget for 2013 is about 1.3 billion dollars. How much next year’s budget will be cut is unclear. What is clear– there will be no cost of living raises for college teachers.

“The students along with the administration need to be thankful everyday for what this faculty does,” said Adams.

Adams says his main motivation for the past 16 years has been trying to raise all boats in Georgia. That job now falls to Provost Jere Morehead in his new position as President Elect.

Other announcements were made around the table.

The Cabinet acknowledged Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Rodney Bennett’s, for his move to presidency at the University of Southern Mississippi.

It was also a special day for Libby Morris, who was recently named interim provost by Morehead. This was her first Cabinet meeting with that position.

But as the meeting ended, President Adams surprised the group with a comment on whether he will be a President ever again.
“I think this is it, I’ve lived long enough to know you never say never,” said Adams.

So I guess we’ll just have to see what comes out of it for the school’s budget cuts and for President Adams and all those members settling into their new positions.

Iris Garrett, Grady Newsource.


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