Golf in the Business World

Athens, Ga–Golf. A game that’s a headache at times for many has turned into a valuable business skill for young adults to acquire.

“I had a buddy that was an accountant major and he wasn’t a real big golfer but wanted to learn to play golf merely for the sense to when he had an outing, he wouldn’t embarrass himself,” said former UGA golfer and now, professional golfer, Wills Smith.  “That’s what businesses want to do: they want to have an outing, play golf, fundraiser. A business opportunity…They’re gonna invite you to play golf.” 

Smith see’s golf as a character builder that carries over into the business world. 

“It helps teach you life lessons. Honesty, Integrity, perseverance, not giving up. It’s an individual sport so you don’t have someone else to lean on or to blame,” said Smith.

Golf pro Clinton Udell has seen firsthand the percentage of college golfers who are out on UGA’s Golf Course improving their game before take on corporate America.

“I would say at least 25%. Whether that be through some of our classes here at the golf course, or individual instruction. It’s becoming (it’s probably growing) a major part of what the students see as an important role in their business,” said Udell.

And in a country where building connections with others can pay off, the networking that goes on while golfing can be very beneficial. 

“Those that they’re ultimately doing business with in the future, their fellow students. So, they’re creating relationships right now,” said Udell.

Who knew working on business skills could be so fun?

By: Patrick Bender




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