drug take-back

Xanax… Ativan… Adderall… Got Drugs?

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office will host the annual National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 30, 2016 between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.

This annual event is set for anyone to drop-off any unused or expired medications that needs to be disposed of.

The location where you can drop-off medication is:

555 Stan Evans Drive
Jefferson, Ga. 30549

FIVE facts about prescription medications:
■ Unused or expired prescription medications
are a public safety issue, leading to
accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse.
■ Pharmaceutical drugs can be just as
dangerous as street drugs when taken
without a prescription or a doctor’s
■ The non-medical use of prescription drugs
ranks second only to marijuana as the most
common form of drug abuse in America.
■ The majority of teenagers abusing
prescription drugs get them from family and
friends – and the home medicine cabinet.
■ Unused prescription drugs thrown in
the trash can be retrieved and abused
or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are
flushed contaminate the water supply.
Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives
and protects the environment.

THREE tips for disposal:

Step 1:
Take the meds out of their bottles;

Step 2:
Mix them with something unappealing
like used kitty litter or coffee grounds;

Step 3:
Seal them in a bag or disposable
container, and throw that away.
For more information on prescription drug abuse, visit:

For more information on the program please go to the following link:

By: Fernanda Perez


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