Job Application or Personality Test?


Athens, GA

Reporter: Kendall Lane

If you want a job in Athens, get ready to jump through some pretty strange hoops. Kendall Lane shows you how to ace a new kind of job application.

An application question from Allgood: “Would you rather have a 20 inch dolphin or a kitten-size gorilla?”

This is your interview. Service industry managers say standard, boring applications are out of style. Instead an applicant can expect to see questions that ask what weapon you would carry during the zombie apocalypse.

There’s no right answer, but there is definately a wrong one.

John Mark Harris, a bartender at Dirty Birdz says, “You are not looking for someone with the personality of a dead moth. You are looking for someone who can actually engage with people.”

Volstead manager, Jeff Mabry agrees with Harris and said, “I can teach anyone to be a bartender. I can teach anyone to be a server, a bar-back. All those can be taught. To be an interesting person…I can’t really teach you that.”

An applicant’s job is to put their personality to paper. Even with impossible questions such as “If inflation happens at one point, is it self sustaining through inflation of quantum mechanical fluctuations?”

The most important question above physics and zombies; Is your personality worth a paycheck?


