Tips for Saving Water During Georgia Drought

Athens-clarke county, along with 52 other counties in North Georgia have are experiencing severe or extreme drought like conditions.

Laurie Laftin, Water Conservation Specialist of Athens-Clarke Count says, “Our reservoir is full, we predict it will be full throughout the Fall, and we’ve made it through the Summer; the Summer is the most difficult time for us.”

Now that summer is nearing the end, the next problem is the Fall. The Fall season is typically a dry one, which is keeping officials on their toes.

Pam Knox, Climatologist at the University of Georgia says, “Fall is typically the driest time of year, we dont think that is going change this year, but it really depends on the tropics and the tropics have been fairly active but they havent been shooting any storms our way.

Even though level one is a lower level threat, Environmental Protection Division director Richard Dunn says in a press release quote, “a level one response is a good opportunity to partner with our public water utilities to promote good stewardship and to remind Georgians of the importance of using water wisely.”

Water conservation is always encouraged.  There are several ways to help conserve water, including:  taking shorter showers, making sure to have a full load of clothes before putting them on the wash, and also by turning off the faucet while washing your hands and brushing your teeth.

You can also find more helpful tips here.


By:  John Holcomb


  • Show Comments (1)

  • Maddie Rose

    Every household must take a conscious effort to implement practices to conserve water. It will take time before all members get the hang of it; but eventually the fruits of the effort will be noticed. Besides, if water consumption is lowered, the monthly water bill will reduce too.

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