Still No Warrant in Hit-and-Run Case

Athens, GA- The flags still stand where Emily Bowman’s tragic incident took place over one week ago. While Emily faced another surgery this morning, police continued their investigation. It’s clear that many questions are still up in the air.

While the blood on the scene has been cleared up, what isn’t clear is the situation with the warrant. Grady Newsource Reporter Mary Grace Fisher contacted District Attorney Ken Mauldin today, and he said he had no comment on the subject.

Athens Criminal Defense Lawyer Thomas Camp did provide some explanation of why the warrant still hasn’t been issued despite the fact that the owner of the car has been identified.

Camp says, “That does not necessarily mean that they can just run and immediately arrest the owner of the vehicle without doing further investigation”

And when it comes to final convictions after the criminal is formally charged, Camp says there are plenty of possibilities.

According to Camp, “Based on the nature of the injuries that Ms. Bowman has suffered to date, he would likely also be charged with what is called serious injury by vehicle, and that’s a fifteen-year felony.”

The suspect’s future still hangs in the balance, but the biggest news of the day remains that Emily’s surgery went well and she’s on the road to recovery.


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