Taking Action on Sexual Assault Awareness

IMG_2156The University Health Center’s Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention group is taking action today to help prevent sexual assault. The Association of American Universities reports that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted at a university or college.

“We’re doing a lot of education and you know, showing ways you can impliment being an inactive bystander on campus to prevent sexual assault from ever happening,” said Megan Corriveau, a member of RSVP.

This day of action is in honor of sexual assault awareness, which is the month of April. RSVP passed out cookies, teal ribbons and shirts that said “got consent?” to spark conversation about sexual assault today at Tate Plaza.

“Everyone has a role to play in prevention and recognizing warning signs of potentially unsafe or risky situations that people can intervene long before incentive of sexual assault,” said Michelle Passonno, RSVP’s coordinator.

For more information on events for Sexual Assault Awareness month visit https://www.uhs.uga.edu/about/calendar.html#RSVP



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