The Boots Are Back



Parking Amnesty just ended a few days ago. So if you didn’t take advantage of those tickets, you better pay them now. Traffic enforcement will be out there in full force

“No Not really, I don’t know it sucks dude. That’s all” says Kayla Hendrick who is clearly upset. She walked to her car and found this on her rear tire. It took her nearly 300 dollars to get the boot removed.

“I’ve had tickets from like a year and a half ago that I probably didn’t pay. Part of me was like maybe. I didn’t expect it to happen today”, says Kayla.

Parking Director Chuck Horton says most of the people booted are employees of businesses downtown. Like Kayla.

“A lot of the people who get in trouble work in the downtown area, they park on the street. they play what I call the slot machine and generally you’re gonna lose to the house”, says Horton.

Kayla did lose to the house today but she didnt think she was playing the slot machines. She parked legally in deck. That wont matter if you owe for past tickets.

“The parking violations come through the deck and then they pull the tag numbers and see if there’s outstanding tickets, and boot em” says a parking attendant.

If you do get a boot on your car, you now have a second option, a citation summons or basically a court date. This gives you more time to come up with the cash or if you fell like you’ve been falsely accused, a chance to appeal it in court. Now if you don’t show up to court, police can as far as seizing your car.

The best way to avoid these boots is to pay your parking tickets as soon as you get them. Or better yet avoid getting tickets by paying attention to the time or simply parking in the deck.

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