The Trend People Are Going Coconuts Over

  • Oil pulling is a new trend where you swish coconut oil in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. 
  • It pulls toxins out of your mouth, and even whitens teeth.
  • Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Shailene Woodley use this technique.

ATEHSN, GA- A new trend sweeping the nation has caught the attention of some of Athens’ locals. It’s called “oil pulling.” Oil pulling is a new trend where you swish coconut oil in your mouth for 20-30 minutes.

Dr. John Gale of Athens Family Dentist explained how it works saying, “The amount of period it’s in the mouth is actually pulling these toxins out of there. The coconut oil, or pure coconut oil anyway, is supposed to reduce these harmful bacteria the streps and things like that, that cause tooth decay.”

Not only does this oil cleanse your mouth, but it also whitens your teeth. And it might be a better solution for those of you with sensitive teeth. A local student at the University of Georgia has tried it, “three times,” and while she hasn’t seen results quite yet, she plans to continue to use it.

Student Sydney Siver says, “I can’t usually use the white strips because my teeth are so sensitive, so I’ve heard that the oil pulling is a little bit better way to do it. Which is true.”


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