Tips for Making The Perfect Snowball

School’s out again.  Nothing to do but kick back, relax, and pummel unsuspecting friends with snowballs.

I know people from Georgia are not that used to snow, so I wanted to make a list with some tips on how to prepare a perfect snowball.

1.  Always wear gloves!- If you try to have a snowball fight in your bare hands, they’ll freeze off before you can even start.  Gloves keep your hands warm and help compact snow better as well.

2.  Pick out the right type of snow- Wet, compact snow make for perfect snowballs.  Sometimes it is difficult to form them in powdery snow.  Luckily, the snow on the ground right now in Athens is perfect, so build away!

3. Proper Technique- Remember, it is called a snowball.  Not a snow-cube or snow-amorphous blob.  To make a ball shape, rotate your hands like you are trying to warm them up.  For practice, make a few and throw them against the outside of a building.  If the imprint left is a perfect circle, you’re doing a good job!

4.  No Ice!- Don’t be that guy that makes ice balls.  Nobody likes that guy.

I hope you can use these tips before the snow melts!  Because if you don’t, you may not see snow for a few more years.

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