UPDATE: Rolling Ridge Drive Shooting

Athens, Ga — Police respond to a shooting at Rolling Ridge Apartments around 7p.m. last night.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lr9KERtvRw&w=560&h=315]

Pan video of the street where the suspects 

Lieutenant Mike Tyndell said that Athens Clarke County Police responded to a resident’s call of someone getting shot, but said there were no injuries.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HPycqK38_o&w=560&h=315]

The shooting is in early stages of investigation as Reporter Corey Knapp found a bullet casing at the scene.

Here are the latest details of the case according to Lt. Mike Tyndell.

  • 2 Potential suspects, but names cannot be released yet.
    • Police are searching for location of both suspects.
  • Police are investigating residences possible involvement.
  • The 5-8 males were wearing red, but until a motive is found correlation to gang violence is not certain.


Around 7 p.m. last night, several vehicles, one black Sedan, pulled up to the apartment complex and at least five to eight males with red clothing exited the vehicles and started firing in the open with children in the area. At least 2 buildings received damage from the shots fired. The police believe that all fled the scene before police arrived.

Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the identity, arrest, and conviction of the suspects.

Stayed tuned to Grady Newsource15 for more updates as the investigation continues.

Reporter Jazmine Calhoun
