A Cattle Calling: Working Toward a Farm Dream

Gaven Edge, 27, is a cattle farmer from Mansfield, Georgia, and he has herds in both Newton and Jasper counties.

Edge bales and rolls hay, which he sells to barns, farms and individuals across multiple counties in Georgia, to supplement income for his cattle farms in terms of feed and care for his cows. He grows his calves to either be sold off in the fall at a young age, or he grows them to full size himself to be butchered and the meat sold for profit.

Edge dreams of being the owner of the largest cattle farm in Jasper County, and he will not stop working until his dream comes true.

Nicholas Ladd is a senior majoring in journalism in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. This story was produced during the annual Woodall Weekend Workshop in 2023.



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