Athens Mayor Says Thank You

The Mayor sent Grady Newsource an email with a double… or maybe a triple… thank you to the people of Athens Clarke County and the ones working in this weather.  We publish it here without comment:

Thank you all for keeping the public aware of the current situation and providing updates throughout the day. Feel free to contact me with any questions at anytime.  Please see below for my statement regarding the ongoing winter storm.


First, I want to thank our Athens-Clarke County Emergency Management Office for its around the clock dedication to ensuring the safety of all citizens. Because of our preparedness, Athens has seen very little problems thus far. Thank you to our citizens for avoiding travel and caring for one another.

I have spoken to Governor Deal and continue to be in constant communication with Georgia Power and Athens-Clarke County Police to keep apprised of the situation. Our city is well prepared, and we are handling the situation with a strong response.

The Clarke County School District, the University of Georgia, Athens Technical College, local private schools and all othereducational institutions continue to look after the safety of their students, parents, faculty and staff.

These schools deserve thanks for their efforts and steadfast dedication to their communities’ wellbeing. The Clarke County School District, the University of Georgia, Athens Technical College, local private schools and most nearby school districts will remain closed tomorrow.

Our city continues to provide an example of howcollaboration can ensure the safety of each citizen. Communication between private enterprises, educational institutions and government entities has allowed our city to be well suited for a storm of this magnitude. We must and we will continue working together.

Over the next 24-48 hours, conditions will continue to worsen. As expected with accumulation of snow and ice along with greater wind gusts, experts anticipate power outages and deteriorating conditions. I urge citizens to stay off the roads to ensure their own wellbeing and the safety of others. Please be sure to check on frail and isolated friends, family members and pets.

I will continue to monitor the situation carefully and stay in contact with ACCPD, Georgia Power, Gov. Deal, our school systems and our government offices. Our emergency management team will continue working around the clock. For emergencies, please dial 9-1-1.

Thank you again to our hardworking emergency management teamand to all citizens for their commitment to ensuing a safe environment for all Athenians. We will emerge from this storm an even stronger city.


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