UGA To Offer Students Free Legal Services

Athens, Ga-

The UGA Student Government Association has just announced that they will provide free legal services for students.  UGA students can now be more educated on what actions they need to take in a legal matter. Six attorneys have agreed to offer their time to any UGA student that has a civil or criminal issue.

SGA’s president Will Burgess says, “Student legal service is an opportunity for any student to have a free consultation with an Athens area attorney on any legal matter you may have.”

Many of these lawyers that went to UGA say they feel this was a good way to give back to the school. This service is only a consultation; students could then hire them for representation. “There are two models, you have a consultation or representation, so an attorney will offer an initial consultation to speak with the student about their case, then try to resolve their case in the first consultation it’s a simple matter. And then the student has the opportunity to take on the attorney afterwards, so we are just trying to break down barriers between the student and the attorney,” says Burgess.

If you are a student and wondering, your parents won’t find out because this will be kept private between you and your lawyer.  SGA’s president says, “It’s just a great opportunity for students to have interaction with attorneys whether it’s your landlord disputes or a car accident, any type of legal matter, it’s really beneficial for student’s initial consultation.”

These free consultations will provide students with legal advice on issues such as landlord disputes, traffic tickets, and criminal violations. SGA hopes this service will help students with any legal questions or issues. If you want to schedule a consultation you can email

Martha Kim


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