Tag: athens-clarke-county

Two Denson candidates, but can only be one Mayor

ATHENS,GA- Tim Denson is qualifying for mayor of Athens-Clarke County today. No relation to ...

Athens Mayor Says Thank You

The Mayor sent Grady Newsource an email with a double… or maybe a triple… ...

Athens Bars Consider Closing Up Shop

Snow day, round two. Students and parents are staying home and businesses have closed their ...

Most Staying Home and Off Roads

Most drivers across Athens-Clarke, Barrow and Jackson counties are staying off the icey roads. ...

Cops Say Alcohol and Severe Weather Don’t Mix

ATHENS, GA - ACC PD warns against drinking and driving...and drinking and walking.

Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday

The worst of the Winter Storm Pax will hit Athens tomorrow, and the Winter ...

ACC Police on Severe Weather

ATHENS, GA - Major Hunsinger of ACC Police on severe weather ahead.

Winter Weather Update

Jake Leber has the latest on the impending winter storm.

Rerouting Commercial Trucks

ATHENS, GA - How commercial trucks will be rerouted from Atlanta.

Gearing Up for the Worst

Athens, GA - Another winter storm, but this time: ICE. The ACC Streets and ...

Athens Road Report Card

How did Athens do post-snowstorm? Kevin Gentry gives ACC an A+.