Young Democrats, College Republicans to Discuss Politics in Great Debate


By Danielle Herman

Collegiate representatives from two national parties will go head to head Wednesday night on the University of Georgia’s campus.

Moderated by the Georgia Debate Union, student leaders from the College Republicans and Young Democrats will debate many of the current political issues on the national and state level. Audience members will also have the opportunity to pose questions.

Representing the College Republicans will be chairman Abigail Frye, co-chairman Brennan Mancil and executive director Cody Hall.  Emma Krass, Stuart Swinea and Andrew Stoehr will speak on behalf of the Young Democrats.

The debate will be sponsored by the Georgia Political Review, a political magazine produced by UGA students. Editor-in-chief Bruce Li said he believes the magazine is a great way for students to stay updated on current events, and Wednesday night’s event allows a peer perspective.

“The Great Debate is probably the coolest event we put on every year, and I think it’s a great way to engage with students who are strong representatives of the time political parties, whether you know a lot about politics or not,” Li said.

The Great Debate will take place from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday evening at the UGA Chapel.


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