The Solutions Journalism Network defines Solutions Journalism as rigorous reporting on responses to social problems. We train students to tell “the whole story” by applying the same investigative and thorough reporting skills to ways in which people and organizations are responding to the challenges and obstacles in our communities.
Opioid-related deaths have doubled from 2019 to 2021, according to the Georgia Department ...
One backpack and one volunteer at a time, Adventure Bags, a nonprofit out of ...
Go Succeed is a mentorship program that provides college prep resources and career advice ...
Hartwell, Georgia resident Patricia Burrows owns a completely self-sustaining home and feels proud to ...
The city of Copenhagen is known for being sustainable and happy. One reason for ...
A 20-year-old rising college junior sits with a middle-aged woman on a sunlit Sunday ...
College dropouts have a grip on the U.S. economy, amounting to $6.2 billion in taxpayer ...
Books focusing on Black history and pride fill the shelves of a library. Along ...
Shannon Summers has been at All American Plumbing, located at the West Broad-Hancock ...
Catherine Shinholser, a teacher at Chase Street Elementary School and regular runner in Athens ...