The Arts

Georgia Museum of Art Focuses On Books For Its Annual Holiday Book Sale

Neil Dunlap travels 70 miles every year during December to visit the Georgia Museum ...

Bluegrass Dominates Dahlonega Music Scene

  Stand anywhere in downtown Dahlonega on a sunny Saturday afternoon and you’re almost ...

70 Years Later – Munich’s House of Art Still Houses War Wounds

Traveling to a foreign country includes discovering train routes and menus with unfamiliar combinations ...

Display products for the company

Haute or Not: A Glimpse of German Fashion

You know the look. Flashing lights, raised stages, catwalks, pumping music and models that ...

Local Theater Participation Brings a Sense of Community

Between theater companies and theater facilities, Athens, Georgia, has a range of locations that ...

Newsource Shares Favorite Commercials from Super Bowl LIII

Super Bowl LIII underwhelmed many but did break a significant record: It was the ...

Art Exhibition Reaches Across Divide to Marry Science, Humanities

Delicate molecular models rest on the window sill of Yohanna White’s one bedroom apartment, ...