
This journalism has been created by students in the Multiplatform Newsroom: Newsource and Multiplatform Newsroom: Project capstone courses at the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication.

Parents vs. Social Media and How Students Choose to Vote

  Students adapt to life without their parents during the four years they’re away ...

Voter Purges Could Affect Athens Residents

Athens residents could be removed from registration rolls if they have not voted in ...

Important 5 Ingredients For Defining Your Web page design

There are several things inside your web design that make it stand out of ...

Vital 5 Factors For Redefining Your Webdesign

There are some things in the web design making it stand out of the ...

Necessary Five Elements For Defining Your Webdesign

There are some things inside your web design making it stand out of the ...

Vital 5 Pieces For Defining Your Web site design

There are several things in your web design that make it stand out of ...

Vital 5 Factors For Defining Your Webdesign

There are several things inside your web design making it stand out of the ...

Essential 5 Parts For Defining Your Website creation

There are a few things within your web design making it stand out of ...